Schools & Institutions

Schools & Institutions

Royal Seedlings is delighted to partner with numerous schools and institutions throughout Kenya, forging strong alliances to foster the growth of a verdant and thriving ecosystem. Our mutual goal is to sow the seeds of environmental consciousness by planting trees and fostering a cooler and more delightful atmosphere. 

We extend a warm invitation to each and every one of you to embark on this noble crusade, as we join forces in our collective endeavor to metamorphose Kenya into a breathtaking haven of luxuriant foliage, rendering it an enchanting abode for all. By nurturing a sustainable future, we can pave the way for forthcoming generations to flourish in a world that is in perfect harmony with nature, ensuring a future that is both prosperous and ecologically balanced.

Schools Partnerships

We partner with numerous schools and institutions throughout Kenya, forging strong alliances to foster the growth of a verdant and thriving ecosystem.

Other Organizations

Royal Seedlings partners with Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations to plant trees and empower communities.

Our Impact

Through our strong partnerships with various schools, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and governmental organizations, we have been able to achieve remarkable success in our tree planting initiatives across three different counties in Kenya. These partnerships have allowed us to pool our resources, expertise, and knowledge, enabling us to make a greater impact on the environment and the communities we serve. 

Schools worked with 89
NGOs worked with 5
County Governments 3

By collaborating with schools, we have been able to educate and engage young minds in the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices. Through our work with NGOs, we have been able to reach out to local communities, empowering them to actively participate in tree planting activities and take ownership of their natural surroundings.